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13 years ago
DiFfiCuLtiEs iN uR LifE dO nOt cOmE tO dEsTrOy u, BuT tO heLp u rEaLiZe uR hiDdEn pOtEnTiaL... LEt diFFiCuLtiEs kNoW tHaT YOU aRe diFFiCuLt... GooD MoRniNg...
13 years ago
'MaNy PeOpLe oN thE eArTh giVeS yOu.. CrYinG TeArS aNd LaUgHinG SmiLEs... BuT ThErE aRe fEw pEopLe whO giVE yoU LaUgHinG TeArS aAd CrYinG SmiLeS... ThOsE vErY fEw aRe caLLeD FRIENDS...' miss you... WiShiNg fAbuLouS EvEniNg[/url] i'm also fine..thanx zaara
13 years ago
OncE wE bOrN wE wiLL diE aT aNy MoMeNt,,, MEmOriEs aLsO diE whEn wE diE… NOtHiNg wiLL rEmAin eXcEpT oUr NAME iN sOmEbOdy’S hEaRt!!!
13 years ago
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13 years ago
missed you 2's you sweet friend
13 years ago
ThErE iS aLwAys a rEaSoN foR eVeRytHinG: A rEaSoN tO Live,,, A rEaSoN tO diE,,, A rEaSoN tO cRy,,, BuT iF u cAn’t finD a rEaSoN tO SmiLe,,, CaN I bE thE rEaSoN foR a whiLe??? golden">" border="0"/>golden urinesweet">" border="0"/>sweet kid!
13 years ago
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13 years ago
13 years ago
When The Wind Comes From Thy City

WHEN from thy city comes blowing the cool wind,
Thy sweet memories begins to smell in my mind
Like a new-born rose; and a smile does dance
On my face pushing me into the world of romance.

A fresh zeal arises from the depths of my heart,
To write a passionate poem on thy every art-
And my heart wants, in thy love a melodious song,
Sitting on the river bank, I may sing all the day long.

O, love! how sweet! if even thou with me be there,
A fun might be created in the waves motion of the river;
I could be lost in thy intoxicating eyes, thou in mine;
And no more pretty scene will be worth further to be seen.
-S. A. Saifi
13 years ago
I keep memories of all our special times tucked in my heart n wen i remember those times, I smile n fall in luv with our friendship all over again...good night..take care...
13 years ago
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13 years ago
ALwAyS tAke eXtRa cArE of 3 tHinGs iN uR LifE: * TrusT.. * PromisE... * RelatioN.. BcOz thEy doNt mAkE NoiSe whEn thEy bReAk..!! MosT WonderfuL PairS iN ThE WorLD ArE:- HEART & BEAT NIGHT & MOON BIRDS & SONGS ROSES & LOVE U & UR $MILE. SO KEEP SMILING ALWAYS.... happy to realise that you dont forget me zaara
13 years ago
13 years ago
6 Bate 6 bato ko khatam kar deti hai. 1-sorry -galti ko 2-dukh-jindgi ko 3-gussa-rishte ko 4-khusi-dukh ko 5-saath -gum ko 6-dhokha- pyar ko (ye meri feeling h aur aapki?)
13 years ago
Pleasure's mine dear..
13 years ago
13 years ago
Thank u for d add dear :Shy2:
13 years ago
SUPERB QUOTE- Sometimes missin gives sweet feeling dan remembering, coz we can remebr many. but we never want to lose! godevenig my dear friend.
13 years ago
Hi friend godmornig and have a lukyday.
13 years ago
NoBoDy tEachEs SuN tO risE, FiSh tO swiM, birDs tO fLy,PLanT tO gRoW, ChiLd tO cRy, & NoBoDy teAchEs a hEaRt tO chOoSe a friEnD LikE U....GooD NiGhT... miss you zaara
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