I maY noT bE thE mosT importanT person iN youR lifE BuT i jusT hopE thaT onE daY wheN yoU heaR mY namE yoU woulD jusT smiLe & saY heY!! That’S mY frienD... ">http://www.commentsguru.com/images/tuesday/hello_have_a_great_tuesday.jpg" border="0"/>
ChEErfuL PeOpLe arE LikE SunLighT ThEy ShiNe iN tO thE CorNerS oF thE HearT & OffeR BrighT MoMenT & FrEsH HoPeS....** GooD NighT ** tO oNe suCh PerSoN...
'LiFe hAs iTs Ups n DowNs. SomEtimEs thE sun shinEs, somEtimEs thE raiN lashEs, bUt thEn iT takEs boTh thE Sun n Rain tO maKe a RAINBoWIt givEs ansWer iN 3 waYs… It saYs YeS & givEs u whAt u waNt, it saYs nO aNd givEs u somEthiNg bEttEr, iT saYs waiT aNd givEs u the BeSt!'..GooD">http://www.scrapsyard.com/sy/01/9371/9371.gif" border="0"/>..GooD nighT..SWEET DREAMS
♥ "It's not my fault if I can't help looking at you. It's not my fault if I can't stop calling you. It's not my fault I do like you. My only mistake was to fall to much in love with You." ♥ Miss you...
Real Friendship ; One Day Love Asked Friendship Why Are You In The World When I Am Here ? Friendship Smiled And Said " To Spread Smiles Where You Leave Tears "
'UsuaLLy wheN pEopLe aRe sAd, thEy don'T dO aNythiNg. ThEy juSt cRy ovEr thEir cOnDitioN. BuT whEn thEy gEt aNgRy, thEy bRiNg aBoUt a chAnGe..' sO sOmeTimeS aNgEr iS nOt bAd hAvE a aNgRy DaY... wIsHiNg a LucKy dAy...
Sweeeet Lines : "Live With No Excuses And Love With No Secrets . When Life Gives You a Hundred Reasons To Cry , Show Life You Have Thousands Reasons To Smile .....
'What’s thE usE oF worRyinG? It nEvEr wAs worTh whiLe, sO paCk uP yoUr trOubLes iN yoUr oLd kiT-baG, anD smiLe... smiLe... smiLe... GOOD MORNING... haVe a nicE dAy wiTh smiLe...lookE soMe exAmpLe of smiLe 4 YoU i">http://www.funnyjunksite.com/pictures/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/funny-horse-pictures-14.jpg" border="0"/>i have won the raceangry">http://www.funnypictures24.com/fp/funny_animals/funny_animals/snake/funny_snake_picture_10.jpg" border="0"/>angry smileartist">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny1/funnyanimal359.gif" border="0"/>artist smileback">http://www.funnypictures24.com/fp/funny_animated_pictures/funny_animated_picture_86.gif" border="0"/>back smilenow">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny1/funnyanimal307.gif" border="0"/>now and then smiledeadly">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny1/funnyanimal337.gif" border="0"/>deadly smilenow">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny2/funnysmiley118.gif" border="0"/>now choose one and wear it
AnOthEr mOnTh~ anOthEr yeAr~ aNoThEr smiLe~ aNoThEr tEaR~ aNoThEr wiNtEr~ a sUmmEr tOO... bUt tHeRe wiLL nEvEr bE.... aNoThEr yOu!!! CoLouRfuL niGhT to yOu... ~ .~ ~.~ ~.~ thanx 4 ur msg
'If yOu wOuLd bE iNtErEstiNg, bE inTerEstEd, If yOu wOuLd bE pLeAsEd, bE pLeAsiNg, If yOu wOuLd Be heLpEd, bE heLpfuL. If yÖu wOuLd bE LovEd, bE LoVabLe' woNdeRfuL NigHt tO yOu...
You aRe thE rEasOn foR mY smiLe WorDs aReNt eNouGh tO teLL yÖu hOw wÖndFrfuL yOu aRe!!! You maKe mY hEaRt meLt...gReAt wEEkeNd aheAd... wiTh... LovE aNd smiLe:note