">http://up.3ros.net/get-9-2011-plw32zp8.jpg" border="0"/> Hello My dear ones I'm Back after a short Break Hope everything Is Gud at ur End Thank you so much For Being so Thoughtful To sign My Guestbook while i was away I'm Glad we're friends GoD Bless
">http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-izmrxc96.jpg" border="0"/> I Treasure sweet old Memories As the time Goes swiftly By A few Bring smiles of Happiness And some Tears to The Eye ">http://i28.tinypic.com/eagrbb.jpg" border="0"/> They all are precious in Their way Reopening the door of old That Have Been shut these Many years what pictures they unfold ">http://i28.tinypic.com/eagrbb.jpg" border="0"/> These dear old sweet old Memories All play Their special part In Bringing joy and opening up The latch strings of The Heart ">http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-pc0kcqu7.gif" border="0"/> ★ ★★ ★R@J★ ★★ ★
">http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-muzfgqun.jpg" border="0"/> One day you will see that it all Has Finally come together ">http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-73svar34.gif" border="0"/> what you Have always wished for Has finally come to be ">http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-73svar34.gif" border="0"/> You will look Back And laugh at what has passed ">http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-73svar34.gif" border="0"/> And you will ask yourself ">http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-73svar34.gif" border="0"/> "How did I get through all of that?" ">http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-73svar34.gif" border="0"/> Just never let go of hope Just never quit dreaming ">http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-73svar34.gif" border="0"/> And never let love depart from your life GoD">http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-84nux4ds.gif" border="0"/>GoD Bless">http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-84nux4ds.gif" border="0"/> ">http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-oj5ewj4t.gif" border="0"/>
">http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-42umzmlh.jpg" border="0"/> Fear is the dark room where The devil develops his NEGATIVES Always Be positive AnD don't let devil become your relative
Be Blessed....Take care with Love and Hugs ">http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-lljmphuk.gif" border="0"/> ☻ ☻GoD Bless☻ ☻
">http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-rbssxfsm.jpg" border="0"/> When u share urself with others Life begins to find its meaning The Time u touch the Hearts of others is the moment u truly start living May you've a sweet Life to Live with Love ">http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-yyorgued.gif" border="0"/>
">http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-kbse2bjw.jpg" border="0"/> May your Life in this world Be a Happy one ">http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-6faob3i7.gif" border="0"/>
Don't store your dreams in your Eyes They May roll down with tears store them in your Heart ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/SXl31583.jpg" border="0"/> Each Heartbeat will inspire you to fulfill them Today's dreams are tomorrow's successes Be smiling with all My Love n Best wishes
">http://up.3ros.net/get-5-2011-mbyboclb.jpg" border="0"/> To Forgive is the highest, Most Beautiful form of Love In return you'll receive untold peace and Happiness May your world be A Beautiful place covered with Happiness ">http://up.3ros.net/get-5-2011-7q1xdxbt.gif" border="0"/>
">http://up.3ros.net/get-4-2011-qazxa2be.jpg" border="0"/> Every nice Friend is A Gift of God It's one of Life's Best Blessings A priceless Gift That can never Be Bought sold or Forgotten
">http://up.3ros.net/get-4-2011-uo82ec33.gif" border="0"/> Just">http://up.3ros.net/get-4-2011-uo82ec33.gif" border="0"/>Just Like you">http://up.3ros.net/get-4-2011-uo82ec33.gif" border="0"/> ">http://up.3ros.net/get-4-2011-uo82ec33.gif" border="0"/> May you always Be surrounded with ♥ ♥Love♥ ♥ ♥peace♥ ♥ AnD ♥ ♥Happiness♥ ♥ ">http://up.3ros.net/get-4-2011-q1neevyv.gif" border="0"/>
">http://up.3ros.net/get-4-2011-gjonb6jd.jpg" border="0"/> Language is for non-lovers Those who are not in love For lovers silence is enough language without saying anything They Go on speaking Take care with lots of Love ♥ ♥♥">http://up.3ros.net/get-3-2011-osbehr61.gif" border="0"/>♥ ♥
">http://up.3ros.net/get-4-2011-4o5zexki.jpg" border="0"/> Trust the person who can sense ur sadness in your smile Hear your words In your silence ♥&♥ Feel your love In your anger Because They are indeed your true mate May you always have True ones around you with Love AnD Best wishes ">http://up.3ros.net/get-3-2011-osbehr61.gif" border="0"/>
">http://up.3ros.net/get-3-2011-lj776o0g.jpg" border="0"/> May Life lead you to Great Happiness Take care with Love & prayers ">http://up.3ros.net/get-3-2011-osbehr61.gif" border="0"/>
">http://up.3ros.net/get-3-2011-votnxd3c.jpg" border="0"/> Friends are the flowers in the Garden of life A TRUE FRIEND LAUGHS at your stories Even when they're not so Good And SYMPATHIZES with your troubles Even when they're not so bad ">http://up.3ros.net/get-3-2011-6wzlxjg7.gif" border="0"/> ">http://up.3ros.net/get-3-2011-jlohbkj6.gif" border="0"/> ">http://up.3ros.net/get-3-2011-jlohbkj6.gif" border="0"/>
">http://i51.tinypic.com/28s5ufa.jpg" border="0"/> Do Good to everyone without any expectation As an old proverb says "Fragrance always remains In the hands of those who distribute Roses" Take care with Love Raj
cherish all your Happy Moments They Make a Fine cushion For old age ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/PLh13918.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/lOg19561.gif" border="0"/> May your world Always Be A Beautiful place ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/H1C93837.gif" border="0"/> ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/10g19561.gif" border="0"/> ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/SPS19561.gif" border="0"/> ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/4In94947.gif" border="0"/> ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/M0r95503.gif" border="0"/> GoD">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/M0r95503.gif" border="0"/>GoD Bless">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/M0r95503.gif" border="0"/>
Remember ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/CER17197.gif" border="0"/> You are born to Live ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/CER17197.gif" border="0"/> Don't Live Because you are Born ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/CER17197.gif" border="0"/> Don't Go The way Life Takes you ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/CER17197.gif" border="0"/> TAKE LIFE ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/CER17197.gif" border="0"/> The way you Go ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/aGf17197.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/t9f17484.gif" border="0"/> ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/LjN17576.gif" border="0"/> ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/LjN17576.gif" border="0"/> ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/LjN17576.gif" border="0"/>
Live Life one day at a time share it with people who matter most to you ">http://up.3ros.net/get-2-2011-lq16je31.jpg" border="0"/> for Life is a little jar of Memories & Experiences so fill it with Love And Happiness
God made the world with a heart full of love ">http://up.3ros.net/get-1-2011-p8ahjrnn.gif" border="0"/> And if you keep HIM By your side ">http://up.3ros.net/get-1-2011-1t2qjx0b.jpg" border="0"/> There is nothing that will come Into your life that you wont be able to handle ">http://up.3ros.net/get-1-2011-80rbdp02.gif" border="0"/> you are never more than a thought away GoD Bless.....Take care