Everybody Searches For A Chance To Impress Other But They Don’t Understands That Impressions Are Made By Very Casual Happening... G o o d M o r n ! n g....¥~.^~^.~^.~¥ ~.~^~. ¥
Each Moment in a day, has its own value- Morning brings hope, Afternoon brings faith, Evening brings love, Night brings rest, Wish u find them all today. Good MorningpRëM">http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/04/88164/881641.jpg" border="0"/>pRëM
*oNlY A FeW cArInG FrIeNd cAn eAsIlY IdEnTiFy SuM LiTtLe lIeS In Ur sMiLe & sUm mOrE TrUtH iN Ur tEaRs!!! sO NeVeR LeT tHeM Go fRoM yOuR LiFe!……* gUt MoRNinG...**~^~**
The hardest thing of missing someone is not just their absence…Its when you think of the memories shared with them n ask yourself won’t it ever happen again….!!!Good Evening……pRëM">http://images.ubercomments.com/7/25755.gif" border="0"/>pRëM
* 2 ThInGs iN LiFe wHiCh r mOrE TrAgIc tHn dEaTh: 1.Ur lOvEd oNe lOvEs u & u dOn't kNoW It...!!! 2.uR LoVeD OnE DoEsN'T LoVe U & U KnOw iT..!!!* HaVe lOvElY NiGhT... thanx god
Don’t guess a person’s character on his present situation. Bcoz, Time has the power to change an ordinary coal into a precious diamond….Gud Evening. . .pRëM
A LoVeLy fAcT : nObOdY In dIs wOrLd.. cAn hAvE A CrYsTaL ClEaN HeArT... bCoZ EvErY OnE'S HeArT HaS SoMe bEaUtIfUl sCrAtChEs... gIvEn bY ThEiR dEaReSt" OnE... GuT MoRniNG DeAr FRIEND
PrObLeM WiTh tHe wOrD "lOvE" iS ThAt If a bOy uNdErStAnDs, GiRl dOeSn't.. & iF GiRl uNdErStAnDs, BoY DoEsN'T.. & If bOtH UnDeRsTaNd, ThE WoRlD DoEsN'T... hAvE MaRvElUs mOnDaY EvEnInG... friend how are you..i'm so worried abu you...wat condition abu ur region
“A">http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/06/115971/1159711.jpg" border="0"/>“A lovely friendship should have the determination of mirror which never loses its ability to reflect even it is broken into thousand pieces”. Gud evening . . . . pR€m