hello gudmrng, feeling guilty didnt say gudnyt am sorry. how was the nyt. ok am a bit busy today see u later
hello hana how is the mrng. its almost noon enjoy urself. and i just want to be ur new frnd plz accept
hello hana how is the mrng. its almost noon enjoy urself. and i just want to be ur new frnd plz accept
hello hann, its a luvly day i still hope to be among you frnd plz dnt trurn me down. How was ur morning? mine was nice, hav a luvly day hanna
hanna the real hanna wait a min humm my sis wuld like to hear of this but thats not ur real age dear oops sorry silly me nice meeting you can i be a frnd too oh my bad gudmrng how was the nyt i see you are 5hrs behind enjoy ur rest when you're up i'll see you sleep tight